Perception of Healthcare Facility Garden and Impressions of Interactive Elements

Document Type : Original Article


1 king Khalid University< collage of Art and science

2 Eastern Michigan University. Interior Design College


Perception of Healthcare Facility Garden and Impressions of Interactive Elements

This research presents the effects of indoor healing gardens and interactive elements (technology) on people in medical facilities: patients, visitors, and staff. Previous studies showed that medical facilities generally received a negative perception by people who visited or worked there; yet the effect of indoor greenery seemed to improve the perceptions of those surveyed. In this study, the potential of added technology to a garden brought a new aspect to be explored. The participants were shown a video of four simulations of indoor gardens with added interactive elements (e.g., lights, sounds, music, images, interactive floor tiles); afterwards, the participants completed a short survey. The results of the research corroborated the literature regarding the benefits of indoor gardens on the study participants’ enhanced mood when in a medical setting with the added appreciation for interactive elements. Of the interactive elements provided, the wall projections of flying birds had a positive feedback of 91.3 %. Interactive floor tiles had a high likability rate as well (85.1%). While many appreciated the garden-only option, participants favored the playful components as entertaining for the brief time they would be in the space awaiting an appointment or on a staff break. Enhancing all medical spaces with natural and interactive elements should be a design goal for future new builds and renovation projects in healthcare or other commercial buildings.
Key-words: indoor garden healthcare, interactive elements (lights, audio-visual images, of birds and animals, sound, color), healthcare facility.


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