Technological progress in the third millennium and its impact on artistic transformations in the field of drawing and painting.

Document Type : Original Article


University jeddah


This research is discussing the effect of technological progress on the artistic transformation in the field of painting and drawing regarding the technique, materials and modernized methods of performance. Also introduction of advanced knowledge content that copes with the 3rd millennium from the percent of development in all various fields of art, in particular the field of drawing and painting. Many of the techniques that have been followed by artists of this period will be displayed. In brief we can tell that technology is the absolute knowledge and it can include machinery and computer devices that humans are using.
The research problem is located in the coming question:
Does the technological progress in the 3rd millennium has any effect and influence on the field of drawing and painting?
The research hypothesis is determined in: the presence of a very effective influence of the technological progress that is taking place in the 3rd millennium, and it has a positive effect on the artistic transformation in the field of painting and illustration.
The research importance is in the knowledge and the benefit from the huge technological development in the 3rd millennium on the art transformations for artists in particular and those who cares about art, etc.
The research is aiming for getting the modern tools of technological progress and knowing their effect on the artistic transformation in both fields of painting and illustration for benefit and development.
The research limits:
Spatial limits: the third millennium.
Subjective limits: globally and locally, what was handled by artworks of artists and were among the field of the current search paper.
The research methodology:
The historical, descriptive and analytical methodologies. From collecting data regarding the 3rd millennium and its technological progress and its effect on artistic transformation in field of drawing and painting, then terms and finally the results are;
Technology directly has affected art fields in a noticeable way, in particularly the field of painting and illustration as artistic visions have varied.
Recommendations: techniques could be practiced with tools of the era as we don’t forget pure art present in global museums.


Main Subjects