A survey of influential personalities in magazines, films and cartoons in the Arab world

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Media and Communication Department of Radio and Television and Film - Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


The Arab and Islamic identity remains at the forefront of what our societies in general, and our scientific research in particular, seek to fortify, support its constituents, consolidate its membership, protect it from distortion, and protect it from weakness.
Our Arab culture is one of the richest cultures in the world, and its richness is reflected in the integration of its components, which include the following: beliefs that focused on the Islamic faith, the values ​​that govern social life, the cognitive elements that regulate identity, and the symbolic elements based on language and its alphabets. ,
And the emergence of new branches and classifications of science, arts and human and natural knowledge, and the emergence of a set of global values ​​and alphabets in exchange for local values ​​and the growing spread of global animation films compared to Arab animation films, and the emergence of patterns of communication between human structures, and the emergence of new patterns of life at night and day ... imposed on our Arab identity variables and challenges placed on the weight of our Arab societies
The current study is based on the exploitation of contemporary media through one of its main pillars now, animation films, to preserve the Arab visual identity and to support the Arab cultural identity through its consolidation and deepening.
A survey of the influential figures in animation in the Arab world is being conducted. Animation is one of the new media tributaries that express the popular and literary cultures of the countries, in addition to being a collective visual communication medium that brings a great deal of attention and enjoyment from all children and adults to the events they offer. Variety through themes and adventures are very interesting expression and excitement and the motive of the imagination.
There is no doubt that cartoon characters, whether cartoon or realistic, are only the embodiment of figures in life bearing their impressions, actions and clothes, but embodies the inside of the people of the sorrows and joys and their contradictions and positives.
The design of animation characters is part of the dramatic expression in the story of animation, which of course has to be subject to the general culture of events and their time.
The researcher then presents the results, recommendations and references.

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