A semiotic study of the Kalila wa Demna manuscripts (Semiological and artistic view comparing)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Arts and Islamic Archeology, Faculty of Archeology, Aswan University


Research goal:
      This research aims at conducting a comparative technical study of a Semiotic stylistic nature between the images of the crow and the owl from the Kalila wa Demna manuscripts, one of which is kept in the library of the King Faisal Center in Riyadh, the second is preserved in the Central Manuscript Library of the Egyptian Ministry of Awqaf, the third is preserved in the Metropolitan Museum, Where the research was based on the new study in terms of artistic approach, which is one of the methods developed in the extrapolation and perception of the visual stimuli of the paintings and how to read Signs of those images of the purposes and aesthetics wanted by the artist, and became a visual language aware of the critic.
Research problem:
     One of the most important reasons that led me to choose these images from these three manuscripts - specifically - is the extreme variation in the approach of each artist to the same position or scene from the recorded manuscript of the Crow encounter with the king of the Owls, but from a different artistic angle, Or perspective or colors or the extent of commitment to the text of the manuscript or in terms of implementation, so the study relied on the comparison and the semi-analytical approach between the visuals of manuscripts and read the visual evidence as far as possible.
Research importance:
     Therefore, a comprehensive analytical comparison will be made between the three manuscripts based on what is mentioned in an attempt to extrapolate new artistic aspects that have not been discussed previously, such as the study of new semiotics aimed at the questionnaire of the relations between the manuscripts technically and aesthetically. The importance of the image as an essential element and an introduction to the study of the three images of the current study in the light of this new science, such as semiotics, image Semiology in Islamic photography, the role of the environment on the work of art, The artistic composition of the image, and finally the concept of Anthropology of the artwork.
Research Methodology:
     In the beginning, the research dealt with the concept of semiotics and its origin, and then dealt with the semiotics of the image in Islamic painting, as well as the impact of the image or the artistic work, the technical structure and the nature of the artistic work, the effect of the environment on the work of art, the role of the critic, The comparative Semiological analysis included: the extent of commitment to the literary text, in terms of the distribution of sizes and blocks, psychological state and general expression, color, perspective or composition, realism and abstraction, and finally The most important results and then search plates.


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