Experimentation and synthesis between modernity and his impact on handicrafts

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Art Works. College education quality . University of Damietta


The study of astronomy is one of the most important problems of modern handicrafts, which is the synthesis, subject to Mahaita, its philosophy, its effect in manual works, and the reality of experimentation by synthesis in the transformation of the nature of manual works towards modernity. A study of the synthesis in manual works between experimentation and modernity reveals its essence, philosophy and its positive effect in the transformation of the nature of manual works towards modernity. From here came the research axes, and the researcher based the study on the analytical descriptive method to verify the validity of research hypotheses.
One of the most important results of the research is that the philosophy of synthesis is based on research and experimentation to achieve modernity based on formalism and deepening the content of creative visions in a technical unit based on compatibility, proportionality, diversity, simplicity, ambiguity, excitement and distance from traditional ones. Modernism in contemporary handicrafts. It is a variety of materials, media and techniques, which necessarily leads to the diversity and diversity of surface values, accompanied by the development, superiority and brilliance of the visible appearance of the manual works and their content, so the synthesis enriches modern handicrafts. Modernity in handicrafts is also based on experimentation, which is one of the most important pillars of the manual work process towards modern transformation.