Health and security considerations in museum design

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University - Interior Design Department


The requirements of the human presence are based primarily on the interior design of the place, and since museum is  one of the most important institutions dedicated to the preservation of human heritage, which depend on the interact directly with the visitor to success of its mission.So, This research aims  to identify and study the health and security considerations required by the design Museums in a way that meets the needs of the human entity such as  visual, auditory, thermal, psychological and physical comfort.
The analytical descriptive approach has been followed to suit the nature of the subject.
The first chapter takes a look at the interior design and the quality of internal environment.
And resulted from this study  that interior design with its various elements is the basis of the quality of internal environment which human beings deal with , (air quality, quality of the environment, Acoustics, lighting and its relationship to visual comfort).
Chapter II: This chapter includes the definition of museums and their functions, different types,  considerations of planning the museum, the elements of the museum like the entrances , paths of movement (circulation) ,  exhibition halls,  and places of services. This section has a conclusion that, there are design criteria for museums must be taken into consideration  by the designer When designing in order to achieve efficient functioning and successful interaction with the public.
The third chapter deals with health and security considerations in the design of museums by introducing the concept of health, safety and general objectives to be achieved within the museum. The chapter includes considerations of visual safety and lighting, considerations of temperature control and humidity, processing of acoustics and selection of different materials .It  also reviews the design requirements for fire and theft risks. This chapter conclusion that  these considerations are essential to the success of the museum's mission and keep both of the human element and the presented objects safety .