Innovative Designs For Upholstery Fabrics Inspired From Traditional Units Using Jacquard Weft Knitting Technique

Document Type : Original Article


Ass.Prof. In Spinning, weaving &knitting Dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


It can produce various kinds of knitted fabrics to meet the different tastes and purposes required to match the look and use any method other fabric. , About the structure of knitted fabrics and features spaces to facilitate the passage of air , which makes them more resistant to the crease for woven fabrics and more flexible . A study of the factors leading to a boom in the industry in various countries around the world turn out to be many factors including: the consumer accepted for knitted products of all kinds on the basis that they are in line with fashion and given comfort in terms of flexibility appropriate for final use and good next to their licenses due to the low production costs. The progress and development of the production of knitting machines to the expansion in the use of knitwear products not only in the field of clothing, but entered these fabrics in industrial uses and home furnishings, among others. And that the most important issues in today's era of this originality of human knowledge, and because of the juxtaposition of influencing and influenced by factors was the motive paramount to keep our individuality with the values ​​and principles of our societies stemming from the same far back the roots of the assets in the foot, the Egyptian market and misses in the field of furniture knitted fabrics to design combines originality and contemporary, Hence the research problem which innovation is inspired by traditional units such as the fabrics used furniture implemented in a manner Weft Knitting Jacquard machines with techniques and superficial incomparable upholstery fabrics and textile-producing manner contribute to the preservation of Egyptian heritage inherent in contemporary designs suit the newly used. The research aims to revitalize the heritage of the units and use them as units in line with modern requirements and compete in
global markets while preserving the Egyptian identity. Where it was the work of a study of the quality of the machine, which can Altnniv it was designed (6 designs) on the program (Photoshop) and the work of the employment of each design.
