The role of advertising poster in achieving cultural sustainability (An analytical study of the Polish poster)

Document Type : Original Article


Advertising department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Damietta, Egypt


Cultural sustainability in its relation with sustainable development relates to the preservation of cultural beliefs and practices, heritage preservation, and culture in its own right.
Culture is defined as a set of beliefs, morals, methods, and a set of human knowledge that depend on the transmission of these characteristics to modern generations. Sustainability is defined as the ability to be continual. The two concepts overlap, and thus have become one of the most important concepts of sustainability.
If the basic premise of all arts - regardless of their physical structure, their subject, or nature - is to make us reflect and interact, so presenting sustainable ideas is a logical step for institutions whose role is to capture, define, and show the culture of the era.
The "Polish School" of poster design is an ideal example of sustainable art. In the second half of the 20th century, Polish posters made a significant contribution to modern visual culture and museums. Artists and designers all over the world recognized their importance.
Research importance:
Advertising plays an important role in the development process of society, as it provides content that stimulates innovation and creative thinking.
The billboards that surround us everywhere serve as an open exhibition for discovery, participation, and community building. It also plays an influential role on analytical and critical thinking. With the goal of making it all available to everyone. This is an important tool used to shape informed masses and promote social progress.
Research problem:
But is this important developmental role of advertising poster activated in contemporary societies?
Research objective:
• Shedding light on the importance of arts in general and posters in particular in achieving civilizational and cultural sustainability
• Utilizing the unique foundations of the Polish Poster School to identify the main considerations which help the poster plays a role in achieving sustainability.


Main Subjects