Concept of Abstract as Approach for Applying the Method of Formal Criticism in the Field of Painting

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of criticism and artistic taste Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Artistic Tasting, Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University

3 Art specialist at the Higher Institute of Applied Arts 6th of October City Master student, Department of criticism and artistic taste - Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University


The current research aims at employing the concept of abstraction in formal criticism, in order to develop the application aspect of it, within curricula of criticism and artistic appreciation. The importance such process is to realize the concept of abstraction as a main axis that isolates the artistic work from its surroundings. Thus, the formal criticism can be applied on various works of art in the field of painting to analyze and extract artistic formulations in plastic works.
The artistic criticism reveals the structure and understanding of the artwork, which enriches the aesthetic experience and makes it more satisfaction and pleasure to the viewer. Accordingly, the study is considered as analytical study of the abstraction concept in field of painting through the ages, and to identify its philosophy, objectives and types.
Results of the research showed that the concept of abstraction is related to the work of art, in line with the formal criticism because the relationship between extracted forms from abstraction concept is the fundamental aspect, which represents symmetrical relation with application of the formal criticism method. The study has presented several recommendations, the most important are: The study recommends with the necessity to apply innovative methods through organizing critic workshops as interactive teaching methods which enrich field of criticism and artistic appreciation.
