Implement Nostalgia in Building Advertising Message "A Study on Television Advertising in Egypt"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Advertising Design - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Lecturer at the Department of Advertising - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

3 Technical Activity Officer, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University


Recently, the phenomena of implement nostalgia overrun the world of marketing, or revival the images of beautiful past in building advertising messages for various products and services, several companies revived the artistic and advertising production for previous generations through implement characters, vocabulary and events from the past, and present them with modern touch which reflect our life we live today. Where the advertisers resorted to the stars of the beautiful time to achieve success through their popularity, and also using old melodies and songs, the research aims to study the types of implement nostalgia in the television advertising, On the assumption that nostalgia associated with society can be invested as non-standard media in building the message to achieve the communication aims for television advertising, The research found that implement nostalgia in television advertising leads to attracting more attention by faster and simpler ways to reach the audience and make it available to all strata of society, and also the possibility of interacting with advertisement, that works to achieve the required response.