Contemporary tools in developing handicrafts of block printing textile

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Textile Printing, dyeing and finishing department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Beni Suef University.


Despite the dramatic developments in automatic printing techniques, manual printing is still in place and special artistic
value up to the present time, it shows the ability of the artist and his sense of art and aesthetic, textile block printing
is one of the oldest and simplest methods of manual printing, which reflect the ideas of art wonderful special prints.
It considered as one of the handicrafts that has been almost extinct due to several factors including the trend of the
number of designers and craftsmen to the modern technological applications and the quick implementation
of publications,
In addition to the difficulties of manual implementation of some stages which needs more workers and takes
a lot of effort and time, Hence the problem of research in the question: How can the use of laser engraving
technology develop methods of manual block printing and make it easier ?Objective of the study: Adapting
the technical capabilities of laser engraving in the block while preserving the aesthetics of manual printing,
and replacing some of the stages that spend the designer time and effort in the implementation of another modern .
The importance of studying is Utilization of technological applications of laser engraving in the preservation
of textile block printingand its  effect in developing handicrafts prints,A descriptive and experimental approach
through studying the effect of laser in drilling on the various types of blocks, laser possibilities in achieving
the different effects in the design of textile printing, coloring of multicolored design by separating color spaces
and color analysis method, Results: The study showed that the quality of block printing can be controlled by
adapting the technological possibilities of laser to the different materials of the blocks to achieve artistic richness
in the design of handmade textile printing and obtain higher results in the quality of drilling and diversity Touch
and possibilities of coloring the designs. Keywords: block printing-laser-engraving- 3d engraving-Engraver Speed.