Icons of the chairin the Church of the Virgin Mary Baharat Zewaila "An archaeological study of art"

Document Type : Original Article


Inspector stirred


Objective of the research: A technical analysis of the collection of the icons of the chair of the cup.
Research axes:
1) About the Church of the Virgin Mary Baharat Zewaila.
2) About the chair of the cup and its liturgical role.
3) About the icons.
4) descriptive and analytical study of the cup chair icons.
Church of the Virgin Baharat Zewaila: This church is located in the Roman Sea. This church was destroyed along with the other churches ordered by the governor in 399 AH and rebuilt again.
Cup Chair: is a wooden box with four sides closed and open from the top in a circle, and can also open up and cover the walls of the chair icons.
As for the icons of the chair of the cup: we find that the first chair contains four icons, one depicting the secret supper, the second angel Gabriel, the third the Virgin Mary bear Christ, and the fourth angel Michael, which is the work of Anastasia Roman, the second chair contains the first icon secret dinner, The Second Iconic Annunciation, the third Virgin Mary bearing Christ, the fourth angel Michael.
Results: A complete study of the icons of the cupboard of the Church of the Virgin Mary Baharat Zewaila, published for the first time.