Random thinking and its impact on the Egyptian identity in contemporary interior design

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of furniture design department of interior design and furniture Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design & Furniture, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

3 Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts Department of Interior Design and Furniture - 6th October University


The contemporary architectural reality witnesses random using and selection with heritage and heritage related elements which used to complete the architectural aspects of the architectural work and internal design. Although, in current time, there is a return of art to architectural field, we couldn't consider this as real return could achieve the optimal using of the identity and heritage capabilities where, in most cases, it is mostly unorganized experiments subject to individual opinions and trends for its creator and represent their ideas and culture.
so, each designer introduced what he personally sees as "beautiful" without any restriction with specific standards or binding bases to form this thought which leads to make the heritage related elements, in many cases, to merely a decorative addition to the facades where in some cases the matter reached to be a strange element from the general context. So, the final result of this situation is a architectural chaos and an Egyptian architecture without identity or personality where the architectural westernization becomes an integrated part of general civilizational and cultural westernization.
so, this study seeks to explain the characteristics and forms of apparent deterioration of the creative architect and internal designer role in forming the Egyptian designs which leads to spread of the random thinking through imitation and clear copying without any addition or omitting to any of the previous architectural elements this in addition to absence of any implied value either required or expected behind reasons of using this architectural language (either the pharaonic or Islamic elements for example) instead of this there is dominance of a constructive chaos  leads to disperse of designing ideas and prevent it form creative special environment could meet needs and spaces to practice different activities.
Through this study we try to reach to the impacts of the random thinking on the architectural work and the internal design in addition to explain the clashing relationship between the identity and contemporaneity and try to conclude the most important tools to reach a contemporary internal design with Egyptian identity through using elements of heritage forms and abstract it. So, we can produce an internal design in its final integrated form which achieves balance between both identity and contemporaneity.