" The impact of virtual environment technology on the architectural design elements of malls "

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia

2 Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Ismailia City


Commercial centers are among the most important facilities that should be designed by architects, as they are attractive to all social groups from investors, traders and clients due to the diversity of jobs within them (commercial, recreational, cultural, social). The architecture has changed its design style itself.
And the technology of virtual environments appeared in various ways in all fields and in the field of architecture in particular, and it led to a change in the nature of the design of spaces within commercial centers in terms of function, shape and method of construction. Due to the attachment of people and their connection to modern digital means, each of us owns a personal mobile phone that has become a mobile computer that we rely on in many aspects of our lives and most of the activities and transactions that we carry out have become in an invisible virtual space behind screens. It is a smart solution to connect the user with the urban space inside the mall and make him interact with it according to his attachment and what he is accustomed to.
One of the most important virtual environments that we will address in this research paper is virtual reality technology, augmented reality, and mixed reality, and in this research paper, we will shed light on the most important types of virtual environments currently used in malls and how the introduction of these various technologies affected the most important design elements of malls such as entrances and facades And the main squares to show the extent of the impact of the use of virtual environments on architectural design and increase the attractions of commercial centers in an attempt to derive new design foundations in light of the use of these technologies.


Main Subjects

  1. المراجع:

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