Islamic Art as an inspiring source of aesthetic and functional integration among glass and fabrics in designing the wall hangings

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University


Islamic art is considered as the most rich  art in desining elements that depend on simplifying and facilitating.
The muslim artist was significantly interested in the wall hangings; he depended on decorating his walls by writings and the intergraded and diverse geometic and botanical ornaments using various materials such as fabrics and tiles that covered with enamel paint. The wall hanging is one of the important effective elements in the interior design because it has a significant effect in enriching and integration of interior emptiness in terms of  the aesthetic and function. It gives an aesthetic touch resulting to achieve several functional purposes as providing the privacy, concealing a part of the light, and emphasizing on the impression and identity of the place. The wall hangings of fabrics depend in its conent on the fabric design quality, the functional integration of the fabric, and the elements of its structural composition, in addition to the formalism elements as they interact together in order to give aesthetic and functional values. Glass is considered one of the most distinguished materials by chemical and physical characteristics that discriminate it from others in terms of its surface smoothness, shininess, brightness, and variety of its color degrees. With the scientific and technological development, glass has been able to breakthrough several domains because its appearing surface attracts the viewer. In addition to its stiffness and its strength to bear, but it is a material that is difficult to be merged with other materials. Although the development in manufacturing both of the fabric wall hangings and the glass wall hangings, it misses more development and creativity. Herein the question of the research appeared represented in the following:
The Question of the Research:
How to merge between glass and fabrics materials in designing the wall hangings?
The Research purposes to:
Creation of innovative glass fabric formulations from Islamic art in designing the wall hangings.
