Maximizing the Rule of Augmented Reality Technology for Interactive Advertising in commercial malls

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Advertising Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Banha University, Qalioubia Governorate


According to the leading revolutionary scientific technology appearing in the media field, and the appearance of the “Augmented Reality” technology that helps adding another dynamic dimension to the value of the advertising message, through the evolution of this technology, new prospects have been introduced for the modern advertising techniques and for And the use of creative advertising inside the malls in a technological, interactive and  constructive  format in order to find the most suitable advertising combination that serves as advanced and innovative solutions to keep up with the “Ad Saturation” phenomena. Where the architectural features of the commercial centers provide factors to help the application of a strong interaction with the user such as large size and visibility from a distance and the possibility of innovation in the technical recruitment of modern technology in line with the spatial dimension and functional and technical advertising Taking into consideration the fundamental considerations in the application of augmented reality technology for interactive advertising in commercial malls and the user interaction in the interactive design environment available periodically helps to raise the level of advertising in the light of technological development to achieve novelty, innovation and dazzling advertising. It also helps to correlate with the Ad and enables the user to actually remember it.
 The issue we are discussing in this paper lies in poverty of the advertising designs that are placed on the buildings and architectural fronts and interface, lack of innovation in producing the ad and Aesthetic deformation of the architecture that get in the way of evolution. The visual appearance of the architecture represents the milestones of civilizational development therefore, taking into consideration the ad designer, its functional and social values is a matter of great importance.
So, the research aims to throw light on how to employ the interactive dynamic features of the augmented reality in advertising on the inside of the malls in a scientific way, taking into account the aesthetic and architectural principles and standards of mall all together. The research was based on the analytical descriptive method of a set of ads models that employ the interactive augmented reality technology on the inside of the malls. The research also found a number of results, the most important of which is that the good use of the augmented reality technology leads to increased effectiveness of the interactive advertising and its ability to better impact the recipient. As it was found out that the augmented reality technology offers a unique and attractive form of interactive advertising that allows the user to indulge in the advertising environment and continues for a long period of time in the user`s memory. And the use of augmented reality technology represents a noticeable evolution in the process of actually creating an advanced Advertising portal that has a strong effect in the impact of user integration in the interactive design environment within commercial malls.
