Postmodernism in Western Art - Beginning and Evolution

Document Type : Original Article



The beginning of Postmodernism arts were influenced by the successive developments and events which occurred at West since the middle of twenty century, specifically after the end of World War II. The war and its aftermath, followed by internal conflicts in several countries, had a great impact on Western thought, who were stood helplessness in front of the great war machine and for state of chaos caused by war. Also the apparent contradiction between the manifestations of modernity and civil and the manifestations of destruction on the ground. This situation had left a wave of pessimism and discontent among the philosophers and critics of modernist thought's rational and the response of artists who quickly expressed the political crisis, social and intellectual by various means.
The research begins with the term postmodernism and the crisis that it has left so far in Western thought and the main critical views that accompanied it. It then reviews the features of the new cultural discourse in the writings of the critics and philosophers which preach the postmodern phase, with a clear definition of terms in the period under study, Postmodernism - and their association with the rational philosophy of the Enlightenment, then existential philosophy which was self-centered ,decentralization and the globalization culture that characterized the intellectual structures of the twentieth century.
The research reviews the general features of postmodern arts, such as pluralism, diversity, deconstruction, novelty, subjectivity, etc., with a focus on the artistic experiences that refer to these new contents in various types of art, with emphasis on the doctrines and artistic trends which preached this new art styles. Then ,it reviews the distinctive art work of postmodernism after the middle of the twentieth century and present examples of works of art with explanation and analysis.
Research problem: The search attempts to answer some questions:
- What is the conceptual framework of postmodern art and when and where did originated?
- What are the general features of art in the postmodern phase?
- What are the trends and doctrines of art that reflect the postmodern stage?
Research goals:
- Setting a precise knowledge framework for terms - modernity - modernization - postmodernism.
- Select some models of art works that represent the trend of postmodernism and address them with explanation and analysis.
- Explore the content of art in post-modernity and determine the intellectual pattern that connects them.
Research importance: Studying the philosophical and intellectual foundations on which postmodern art was based in the West, where and how did it begin and clarify the difference between it and the era of modernity, then defining the general characteristics of its art and reviewing the artistic trends that adopted the postmodernist concepts and clarifying the new aesthetic values it presented and analysis to demonstrate the extent to which novelty and diversity provided and misrepresented the culture of this age.