Criteria of online contextual advertising design in view of the problem of advertising saturation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Advertising-applied arts - helwan university

2 New media department, mass communications, MTI university


Due to technological developments in the modern era, life and technology have become closely intertwined. From here we find the necessity to understand the users and their needs. Contextual advertising is a form of advertising that appears on the Internet or other means, such as displaying content in mobile browsers, and the essence of contextual advertising design is to understand these users in their own digital environment.
Contextual advertising is also one of the modern advertising methods that rely entirely on technology, where the contextual advertising system scans texts from websites on the Internet and converts them into keywords and then returns advertisements online based on what the user sees, and the contextual advertising design features techniques to analyze those Data and urging innovative design thinking to solve contemporary advertising design problems, such as the problem of advertising saturation that appeared in light of the crowding of digital platforms with advertising content that is not compatible with the desires and needs of the audience. The advertising designer and the marketing team exploit the data of the digital audience, to improve and expand the list of products and services that suit consumer trends and needs.
This research is concerned with defining the criteria for designing contextual advertising over the Internet to achieve the maximum benefit for the target audience and meet their purchasing needs.
This study falls under the descriptive approach by describing and analyzing some samples of contextual advertisements, and through these analytical models, the design criteria that help the success of digital contextual advertising are determined through the Internet.


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