The problematic of unifying the Architectural Character in new urban communities (Case Study - BEIT AL-WATAN in New Cairo)

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at Architecture Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University


In this research we are going to discuss the decisions of "NEW CAIRO CITY AUTHORITY” that is inviting to unify the Architectural Character of " Beit Al-Watan" project in new Cairo city. Therefore, a number of facades have been chosen according to the recommendation of some of the owners and companies in the city, as requested by the engineers of the authority to submit different models to choose from it which models will be adopted for the project.
In this research we are trying to emphasize the way that has been chosen for the call of unifying facades intended to have a unified Architectural Character, and this by clarifying the whole meaning of Architectural Character, principles and foundations of Architectural Character, its vocabulary, and the used element s to show that Architectural Character.
Looking forward to introduce and clarifying the tools and architectural vocabulary, the values and basic standards which we are achieving a significant unified Architectural Character buildings through it‚ and introducing all of this for who wants to make a decision to unify the Architectural Character of a specific residential area.
The problematic research
The problematic research can be summarized to make binding decisions to unify BEIT AL-WATAN Architectural Character, these decisions have been made depending on choosing a group of facades of a bigger group of facades that have been submitted by owners and companies, as requested by the authority Engineers.
Herein lies the question:
Is this way used in calling for applying and unifying the Architectural Character is correct to achieve the desired results?
How can a unified Architectural Character can be applied in a specific residential area, what are the tools and basic standards that we can depend on?
Eventually, the research is aiming to clarify the standards and main disciplines to introduce it to the decision makers in" new communities’ authority ", which can be used in case of a decision of unifying the Architectural Character has been made, especially in residential areas, and the best time for discussing this issue.


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