Activating new technologies in glass mosaic In implementation of the second division training course, Department of Glass, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of the Faculty of Applied Arts - Glass Department - Helwan University


The glass mosaic technique is the craft of forming small pieces of opaque or transparent glass in a harmonious artistic way, whether a decorative design or a figurative theme and produced in the form of a hanging or a painting) or an external or internal architectural surface such as floors or walls for the purpose of beautifying them. Mosaic is an ancient craft with roots in history, through which various ancient civilizations presented various models of very impressive works in which designs and patterns as well as the implementation methods followed. The mosaic craft has gone through many transitional stages and developments through models of works characterized by craftsmanship, quality and resistance to manufacturing factors. Time, the mosaic craft is characterized by being a craft that requires patience with time and accuracy to complete the work, but with modern technologies it was possible to overcome some of the difficulties of this craft in the materials and tools used.
The research presents an applied experiment to implement opaque or transparent glass mosaic panels for second year students, to enable students to understand this technology to benefit from it in practical life and the labor market and support the economy accordingly, where small and individual projects play a major role in providing job opportunities between 40 to 80 % of total job opportunities.
The research problem was:
The need to activate new technologies when implementing glass mosaic to keep pace with the times.
Research goal:
• Activating the new techniques of glass mosaic to apply different artworks.
• Develop a systematic framework that achieves a new technical language, based in its origins on the philosophy of diversity and integrating materials to reach the desired result through a strategy that achieves creative skills in the implementation of paintings to achieve an innovative product with an updated technology.

The importance of the research is determined by:
• Connecting students to the labor market
• Activating the creative and innovative skills of students and emphasizing the importance of the practical educational aspect for them.

Force search:
Activating the new technologies in the implementation of the various mosaic panels helps the student to reach innovative and creative solutions to enrich the field of glass mosaic.

search limits :
In application of the second year training course (Group 1/2) - Glass Department - Faculty of Applied Arts - Helwan University - Egypt - 2021.


Main Subjects