Glitch art as one of photography digital art movements and its impact on other contemporary visual arts

Document Type : Original Article


1 photography and cinematography department-faculty of applied arts- Helwan university

2 Applied Arts Helwan Unversity

3 Department of Photography, Cinema, and Television, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.


Abstract:The word Glitch is an English word that originated from the Yiddish word Glitch which means "slippery place" that used by immigrants from West Germany in America in the 1940s to indicate an error, and then by the 1950s the term was used by electrical engineers to indicate a fault In the electrical signal, this term became a scientific term for electrical and electronics sciences, used to refer to the defect in the electrical signal in all scientific references in The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Most of the time, this defect occurs through noises that cut the signal during transmission, so the image or sound appears incomplete, so Some modern artists thought of using this noise to produce different artworks belonging to the digital and electronic age in which they live, and after several experiments on the Digital and analog transmission of image, the Artists found Aesthetics in that defect, That look can only be produced through digital and electronic tools, after that It has subsequently affected other plastic arts, starting with architecture and sculpture, down to fashion design, creating forms and aesthetic values specific to this art alone, and its aesthetics are derived from the nature of its constituent tools. The defect in digital and analog signals “The more the artist controls this noise, the more he can control the final digital artistic output, then they unleashed the manifesto of that ideology, the ideology of Aesthetic based on errors like humans they are not perfect and the imperfections become art


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