The strategy of expressing the content in the visual advertisement between the sound and the image

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Advertising, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The study of the factors affecting the creation and construction of advertising meaning and content helps to create an effective advertising message for the recipient to produce reactions that agree, and it creates loyalty and love for the advertiser, by creating a favorable impression, and an experience that affects the receiver’s conscience, and creates a good mental image. By studying the meaning and content in visual advertising between sound and its effectiveness in creating desire, motivation and response, in cooperation with visual images to achieve communication and persuasion to form the meaning in the same recipient, and to benefit from that in achieving the goals of the advertising message, achieving mental attractions, and also affecting the emotional motives of the consumer, Which is a cornerstone in the formation of an innovative advertising strategy capable of delivering the advertising message to the audience in the simplest form and in the least possible time.
So that there is complete integration and homogeneity between the advertising elements and its various components of audio and visual elements that contribute to achieving impact and effectiveness, as well as contributing to building a good image and to the target audience, as it affects their feelings, which increases the chances of persuasion and attraction operations significantly to achieve successful advertising communication and therefore the desired marketing objectives, And the arrival of the advertising message to the target audience in a clear, effective and conservative manner on the purchase of the advertised product or the use of the service, through the combination of advertising elements and voiceover skills, as well as the music accompanying the advertisement to create a psychological atmosphere that enhances the success of the advertisement, and greatly influences the emotional response and then effectiveness and persuasion to achieve A kind of suspense and excitement and attracting attention to the subject of the advertisement, and to express the advertising message in an effective way that conveys the meaning, and achieves the desired goal.
Keywords: visual advertising, advertising content, advertising strategy, sound and image in advertising.


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