Eco-Islam: A new path of Islamic thought in the West

Document Type : Original Article


Orient-Institut Beirut


Green Deen, green Islam, environmental jihad, eco Islam are terms that have settled in the Islamic discourse in the West. It began with an article by an Iranian philosopher who wanted to defend religions as not being responsible for the environmental destruction that was associated with industrial progress in the West. This happened in the sixties, but the echo of this article and its consequences are linked temporally to the beginnings of the third millennium to the present day and spatially to America, then Europe, then South and East Asia. And who knows, perhaps this theological discourse will find its way to the rest of the Islamic world to present a civilized, modern alternative to the usual moderate discourse and a way out of the traditional Islam and the other calling for violence.
Environmental Islam presents a new thought, a way of living and coexistence that has so far been characterized by peace and a culture of non-violence. It is based on the establishment of an interconnected system based on three pillars of cultivation (Iʿmār), trustworthiness (Amāna), and balance (Mīzān), which are Qur’anic terms. Environmental Islam originated through theological theorizing, whose reference is the Qur’an and Sunnah. Religious text will be new interpreted through an environmental perspective.
The environmental discourse of Islam targets Muslim youth in Europe and is rapidly spreading among them. There are even programs based on raising children and young adults on the goals and principles of environmental Islam. Is there a risk in this discourse or on its human approach?
The paper presents and provides an analytical presentation of the environmental discourse of Islam, its emergence and development, as well as its opportunities and associated threats.


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