Enabling Techniques Alternative to mokume Technique for Preparing Multi-Color Metallic slices And use them in the design of metal jewelry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Helwan university, faculty of Applied arts, department metal products and Jewelry ,Egypt ,Cairo

2 Department of Metal Products and Jewelry, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Cairo

3 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University, Department of Metal Products and Jewelry, Cairo


Enabling Techniques Alternative to mokume Technique for Preparing Multi-Color Metallic slices And use them in the design of metal jewelry

Abstract :

The jewelry designer is interested in studying the appearance of the surface and researching the development of ancient techniques to obtain multiple enabling techniques for processing and enriching the appearance of the surface of jewelry. The technique is complex and the results are unexpected, The surface appears in color overlaps and ripples, This technology is used in the fields of metalworking by design. This technology is based on experience and is not compatible with repeated quantitative production. Therefore, other alternative techniques must be reached that give specific results by replacing the technical steps with the introduction of traditional or advanced techniques or combining more than one technique to obtain comprehensive techniques based on merging or mixing Metal mechanic between the elements. The research problem is summarized in the following question: Is it possible to obtain alternative enabling techniques for the mokume technique to prepare multi-colored metal slices and use them in the design of metal jewelry ?The research aims to find new design approaches for the treat metal surfaces by obtaining alternative enabling techniques for the Mokume technique to obtain surfaces of multiple colors and to take advantage of the color diversity in the surface appearance. The research used the descriptive, analytical and deductive approach, and the results of the research were represented in presenting alternative enabling techniques to the mokume technique, such as: The method of sintering by adding dry metal powders on the surface of a metal slide, the method of cutting slides or wires and distributing them on the surface of a metal slide by welding and then rolling, the method of using metallic pastes by placing them on the surface of a metal slide, then thermally treated and then rolling.

Keywords : Sintering - jewelry - Technique – mokume - Compacting Metals


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