Monitoring the effectiveness of Interface barriers & their impact on the neighborhood relationships between heterogeneous urban enclaves as a supportive method for evaluating urban policies of gated communities (Gardenia Compound) & (Ezbet El Haggana) neighborhood model

Document Type : Original Article


Lecture of architecture-Beni-Suef university


Gated communities are one of the most important projects of the liberal trend as reflection of several factors focused on increasing social & economic inequalities, withdrawal of the state from providing services, faceing the expected rise of crime especially with the weakness of police services, the main problematic lies in its spread within the vicinity of heterogeneous urban enclaves, especially when they are linked together by a direct neighbor relationship which meet on a common political ground/citizenship, here phobia of fear through other become a justification for the practices of exclusion and separation of human relations creating negative visual image of urbicide spaces formed by dividing spaces with sharp contrast as an indication of the manifestations of severe, unfairness and inequality between the different urban, social and cultural patterns in Egypt

So construction of insulating Apartheid Wall is one of the most practices in the new urban forms which plays a moral role as Interface barriers to repel expected confrontations, againest all sustainable urban visions roles supporting Responsibility values by planned gated communities to contribute developing, upgrading of the adjacent unplanned neighborhoods slums, to increase integration between them From a perspective achieves moral responsibility, social justice towards those marginalized neighborhoods, sheding light on the relationships between them, identification of boundaries between those different urban patterns imposed by the walled communities, with presentation and classification of the most important global experiences with their different motives, followed by a field study to monitor and evaluate of those types of juxtaposition, through case study neighborhoods of unplanned Ezbet El Haggana settelment and the planned Gardenia Compound, by analyzing this relationship and there difference after identifying the urban features of each of them in light of the performance of the separation wall, measuring the mutual impact on the multidiscipline areas of contact by reviewing the repercussions of the phenomenon on each of the neighborhood communities socially, economically and psychologically, reaching a number of results and recommendations, The most important of them focused on how the separation wall erected between the two neighborhood communities is not a physical barrier Nor only security, as much as it is a moral and cultural barrier that confirms the existence of racist deposits These barriers control the dominance movement of formal urbanization over the neighboring informal construction, which requires the necessity of mitigating the negative effects that these barriers play on each of the neighboring societies at all levels.


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