Roots of Sustainability - From Product Design to Design for System Innovations and Services for Textiles

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of applied arts Helwan university Department of textile printing , dyeing and finishing

2 Faculty of applied arts Helwan university Department of textile printing, dyeing and finishing

3 faculty of applied arts Helwan university department of interior design and furniture

4 faculty of applied arts Helwan university department of textile printing, dyeing and finishing


Research Summary

This paper provides an overview of the origin of the concept of sustainability by going back in history to trace its roots, to illustrate how the idea of ​​sustainability has developed over the centuries as opposed to notions of progress. The chronological evolution of the concept of sustainability has been traced by following a quasi-chronological pattern, to provide an overview of Design for Sustainability, and to categorize the design innovation approaches developed in the past decades. To illustrate how these approaches have gradually expanded from a product focus to system-wide changes.

key words

Sustainability - sustainable systems - sustainable design - sustainable design approaches

Research problem

The problem of the research revolves around the lack of specialized studies that dealt with the concept of sustainability as a systematic thought in the field of textile printing, as there is an ambiguity of the term and the absence of obstacles and mechanisms to identify it. There is also a conflict in the understanding of design approaches for sustainability, so the research seeks to clarify them.

research aims

• Shedding light on one of the modern and future global trends, which is sustainability.

• Learn about the historical development of the concept of sustainability, and the emergence and application of the concept.

• Achieving clarity and ease in classifying and measuring design innovation approaches to sustainability.

research importance

• Raising awareness of the concept of sustainability, given its importance and the need to address it as a comprehensive application at all levels and different fields.

Research Methodology

• The research follows the historical method: in the historical study of the emergence of the concept of sustainability.

• The research follows the descriptive approach: through a descriptive study of the characteristics of sustainable systems, and a description of the classification of design innovation approaches for sustainability (sustainable design).

Research hypotheses

• Combining the four approaches to Design Innovation for Sustainability, gives an in-depth and more comprehensive understanding of sustainable design in textile printing.

• Sustainability is a continuous process that needs continuous evaluation, renewal and the necessary guidance to maintain its efficiency.

• The idea of ​​sustainability can be applied as one of the modern intellectual trends for the sustainability of textile printing design, as the design is currently moving towards sustainability and adapting to changes and innovations.


Main Subjects