A Design Methodology to Motivating Sustainable Behavior for The Consumer of Printed Clothing Fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of applied arts Helena university Department of textile printing , dyeing and finishing

2 Faculty of applied arts Helwan university Department of textile printing, dyeing and finishing

3 faculty of applied arts Helwan university department of interior design and furniture

4 faculty of applied arts Helwan university department of textile printing, dyeing and finishing


Research Summary

Since humans are innovators and users of artifacts and processes, and constrained by limited resources, a sustainable approach with the human element at the center of design is vital today. Managing and understanding technical and analytical issues related to the human element is a fundamental challenge for practitioners to develop and improve design strategies that address human needs, capabilities, and constraints. Although there has been an increased interest in sustainability in recent decades, direct progress toward developing sustainable clothing designs remains unclear. Sustainability methods are mostly applied as post-processing activities, rather than as a proactive approach to do no harm. Therefore, sharing a sustainable consumption strategy with a human-centered (consumer) design strategy provides an approach to deal with unsustainable printed clothing consumption behavior, while achieving consumer satisfaction.

Research problem

How can printed clothing designs be improved and developed to become sustainable by considering consumer behaviour, human factor needs as a mediator for integrating design with production and consumption, as well as putting sustainability in the early stages of the design process?

research aims

Attempting to understand the complex interaction between design, industrial systems and contemporary consumer behaviour; To investigate the multi-layered phenomena related to clothing consumption and its relationship to the consumer.

Opening new perspectives on our physical world to explore contemporary consumer culture, knowledge of consumer behavior and motives for permanent purchase and consumption, and the production of more knowledge about the human aspects of sustainability as human factors play an important role in the process of creating sustainable designs.

A more holistic understanding of consumption, and knowledge of how human-centered (consumer) design can be a proactive process aimed at sustainable consumption.

research importance

The importance of studying the way consumers interact with printed clothing designs (as a product); It strongly affects its sustainable impact, environmental output, waste reduction, production and manufacturing processes, which in turn affects the environment and society.

Research hypotheses

The search assumes that:

The process of transforming printed clothing into something more sustainable and consumer-oriented takes time; It is a long-term commitment to new ways of production.

The application of printed clothing designs that include the consumer in the design process to provide a model that fits the requirements of sustainability, and leads to the legalization of the unsustainable behavior of short-term consumption; The design process will include consumer and sustainability from the initial concept of design.


Main Subjects