Aesthetics of Performance Drawing and Interactive External

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan university


Performance drawing is especially characterized by unique characteristics, as the artist is capable of achieving a visual dimension, through his artistic and technical skills, in addition to creating interaction, which all produce unique results. Such nature of the art of performance drawing makes its outputs different from those of the other kinds of art, as it has its own artistic values that are mainly keeping pace with the contemporary artistic changes and trends. The traditional viewpoint which used to limit the graphic artist's abilities, has already changed to a far greater extent, in the light of the contemporary artistic development, and the modern techniques being employed in the creative process , so contemporary painters started violating the traditional themes in art, by introducing their own theories in practical performance, as a form of reciprocal interaction, representing an inclusive model for shared activity and collaboration experience. In this context, the viewers or the audience become involved in the creative process. In the current social and economic atmospheres, participants from different environments and cultures all over the world are connected in the experience. Thus, the receiver's role lies in using his imagination to explore the aesthetic values in the work of art and hence enjoy it. For imagination is a manifestation of artistic viewpoints. In interactive graphic arts, another participatory part was added to the appreciator's task. Namely that he would be involved in the creative process, whereby the artwork would be accomplished according to the artist's concept. Aesthetics is concerned with studying the three elements of the creative process: the artist, the receiver, and the artwork, which are tightly interrelated. The receiver's part is of special importance here, as his positive and effective participation stimulates his sensory systems to become one with the graphic artwork theme. The research deals with performance drawing and its role as a communicative medium, as well as the origin and concept of interactive art, and performance drawing, its characteristics and types. The research then presents an analytical study of drawing techniques, as applied in some artists' works, and utilizing them in contemporary art works characterized by multiple expressive perspectives, which are enriching the interactive role of drawing, conveying different concepts and contents, that wouldn't be successfully rendered in the traditional manner, and providing more aesthetic dimensions to drawing, that appeal to the audience and their senses.


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