Direct Gamification methods in Advertising and its role in achieving the interactive emotional dimensions of the receiver

Document Type : Original Article


applied arts October 6 university


Advertising institutions contribute to promoting new interactive dimensions that are commensurate with the advertised product or service, by building different direct interactive events between the receiver and the product directly that depend on the announcement of ideas to strengthen societal systems, persuading the receiver of the announced product and emphasizing the values of community communication such as trust Passion, commitment and sincerity, this communication that brings happiness to the recipient as a social human being linked to community life. The study of these dimensions, it was found that the receiver is affected by the product through a symbolic language that expresses his condition, inclinations, affection, trends and personal needs. Which depends on building advertising events directly with the receiver, to create a perceptual awareness that spreads and multiplies among individuals, which leads to societal integration that leads us to persuasion.

With the technological development and competition between different products that affected the various means of advertising, making the receiver an interactive participant in the advertisement, and this led to the emergence of new direct interactive methods aimed at creating a strong long-term relationship between the receiver and the advertised products, through stages of interaction that the recipient goes through. From attracting attention to a particular product and preferring it over other similar products, and his awareness and interest in the product that directly affect the receiver's loyalty and emotional attachment to the product.

Research problem:

- What is the role of direct gamification methods in building direct interactive advertising events that connect the five senses of the receiver to enhance his emotional connection with the advertised product?

- What are the methods used that contribute to building direct advertising events that achieve the interactive and emotional dimensions of the receiver?

- How did direct gamification methods express the interactive and emotional dimensions of the recipient in building direct advertising events that strengthen the relationship between the receiver and the advertised product?

The importance of the research is due to:

How to benefit from the study of emotional interaction dimensions in building direct advertising events that contribute to enhancing the recipient's association with the advertised product and emphasizing the values of community communication.


Main Subjects