Skills to be acquired for educational technology students to produce an educational film Low cost to upload it to web pages

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Specific Education Mansoura University


The research aims to apply its knowledge that it studied in photographic production courses, and video software production to acquire the skills of producing a low-cost educational film that can be produced and photographed using his mobile phone or tablet computer, and presented to students to circulate through the Internet, where I divided the research into three sections. The first topic dealt with the cinematic language and the proficiency in reading visual screen texts, in which I defined the cinematic language as the methods and traditions of cinema used to communicate with the audience and that it can be obtained through the cinematic language is what we feel when we watch a particular scene, and the second topic dealt with the techniques of preparation for the cinematic film and it was One of the most important of these techniques is lighting, and I found that the use of a good camera is very important when preparing a cinematic film. The third topic dealt with the techniques of producing a cinematic film. I indicated that mastering the use of a good script is the first step in the production workflow, and one of the most important results I reached during My research: The most important results: The importance of educational film production in developing students' ability to provide learners with news The educational film is characterized by being more enriching and increasing the experience and awareness of the learner, and the awareness of the cinematic language is one of the most important skills that must be available to students of educational technology, because it is the mainstay of the educational film and it is one of the most important tools of educational film production that helps in conveying Ideas and meanings for the learner, and the stages of filmmaking are divided into three stages: the pre-production stage, which is planning, the production stage, which is shooting, and the post-production stage, which is the place

Among the most important recommendations: A skills integration strategy related to the production of educational films should be designed so that the integration planning in students’ skills can be effectively demonstrated.


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