Impact of Using IoT for Adding Values to Packaged Products

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Graphic and Multimedia- Faculty of Design and Creative Arts- Ahram Canadian University- 6th of October- Egypt

2 Professor at Printing, Publishing & Packaging- Applied Arts Dean of the Faculty of Design and Creative Arts Ahram Canadian University 6th of October, Egypt

3 Printing, Publishing and Packaging Dept., Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University Giza, Egypt.

4 Printing, Publishing and Packaging Dept.,- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University- Cairo - Egypt


The emerging modern technologies such as IoT has expanded the meaning of tracking, tracing protecting and marketing. The meaning of tracking in the packaging and labeling industry has changed and become more developed. It means to follow the package or label since products are packaged stage, until it reaches the consumer hands and beyond. It also includes giving the opportunity for a high quality of after sale services and collecting tremendous data from customers' feedback. Besides, asset tracking inside the packaging plant and tracking the packaging process itself. On the other hand, tracing meaning is for assuring the origin of the product and the origin of its ingredients for authenticating the product; consequently, build the consumer trust in the product itself and in the trademark. Furthermore, IoT has altered the protection process of the product in the packaging industry during storing, handling, shipping, and transportation. It paves the way for monitoring and controlling product's surrounding atmosphere inside and outside the package, for assuring ideal conditions for preservation and storage. It is also ensure brand protection against counterfeiting. Product marketing, likewise, affected by IoT. It is a new generation of connecting the consumer. It enables brands to offer a new type of consumer experience for the consumer engagement; product and brand intelligence, personalizing communications between consumer and brand, and providing an interactive shopping journey that can begin online and end in the store. Using the IoT in packaging industry has become urgent necessity, but as the all-emerging technologies, there are obstacles confronting its application. The absence of technological awareness among the public, and brand owners and the fear of the on-cost that may be produced by the use of modern technologies like IoT and printed electronics in the processes of tracking, tracing, protecting and marketing of products are hindrance in front of IoT application. The research study the importance of using IoT technology in tracking, tracing, protecting and marketing and used three questionaries' to conclude the effect of utilizing IoT technology in labels or packages on tracking, tracing, marketing, protecting from the view of experts and consumer.


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