The Interactions of Mythology in Structuring the Cultural Philosophical Context of Interior Architecture

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University


The formal and implicit structure of interior architecture has been influenced throughout the ages by the historical and cultural context of the civilizations that reside within it. Hence, mythology, a science of mythology, found its influential impact in the design process of the concepts of interior architecture, leading to its crystallization in its already existing form, which enhances the cultural infrastructure in the formation of the philosophical meaning and value of the interior space. In response to mythical and historical facts to merge space and time into a dramatic, mythical image that represents a point of consolidation and endorsement of the basic structures of heritage and cultural identity and its reflection on society. Mythology expressed the fruit of the production of the unique imagination of peoples and their civilizational and evolutionary contribution to all areas of life in its various forms and the transfer of its fruitful impact to the folds of the design thought of the interior architecture through the adaptation of the interior architecture designer his studies of the mythological content to formulate the cultural and philosophical context of the interior space to convey its users as they move through the folds of its parts to embody the world of imagination With its moral and cognitive intellectual content, it translates into tangible material reality.

This research presents the investigation of the interrelationships between interior architecture and mythology as a mythical fountain of knowledge that is composed of structural elements that are intended to express heritage and value. The visual and cultural concepts of interior architecture to reveal the intertwined relationship between myth and the arts and their applications in architecture and the ability to adapt to structural, economic, environmental, social and cultural needs. The interior architecture structure celebrates the intellectual creations and technical support emanating from the aesthetic implications of mythology to produce plastic indications according to the mechanisms of the functional physical organization of the interior architecture based on the concepts and narrations of the stories of peoples and civilizations in the past and their transfer to the contemporary intellectual structure to manifest its mission in structuring the cultural and philosophical context to form a unique intellectual material discourse between vision Interior architecture and the reflection of its meaning and value on the same users.


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