Rug Designs Inspired by Nubian Wicker Dishes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University

2 Faculty of Applied Arts, Benha University, Arab Republic of Egypt

3 Mac Carpet Company


Rug Designs Inspired by Nubian Wicker Dishes


Heritage is an integral part of the present of society, and studying the art of making wicker dishes and reformulating them in line with modernity is part of treating ancient genes, and what the ancestors left as a living, mobile and flexible environment that can be developed and renewed while preserving its content, intrinsic value and historical origins.

This research paper aims to achieve a personal personality that expresses the elements of Nubian heritage and current and future design requirements, by addressing the values of Nubian art in the manufacture of wicker dishes in an innovative way to obtain floor furnishings in line with the requirements of the contemporary Egyptian market.

Hence, we wonder whether it is possible to use wicker dishes with their different shapes and colors to upgrade the design of floor furnishings, to compete with the designs offered in the Egyptian market.

Statement of the Problem:

- How to take advantage of the different shapes of Nubian wicker cladding to create contemporary designs for floor furnishings.

- How to emphasize the Egyptian identity through the Nubian art, which is distinguished by its Egyptian originality, to produce contemporary fashionable floor furnishings.

Research Objectives:

- Taking advantage of the diversity in the shapes of wicker dishes to create designs for contemporary floor furnishings.

- Developing creative and innovative capabilities by providing opportunities for experimentation and the use of different techniques in one textile work.

Research Significance:

- Introducing new approaches and technical solutions in the field of floor furnishings by opening new experimental horizons that help in technical fluency in its construction and treatment and getting it out of the traditional form.

- The research emphasizes the importance of preserving the Nubian heritage through reformulating and employing its elements in creating innovative designs for floor furnishings.

- Opening new markets for the Egyptian floor furniture industry.

Research Methodology:

- Descriptive analytical method

- Experimental method

Hypothesis Research:

Nubian arts are rich in aesthetic values and motifs that can be used as a source of innovation for contemporary floor furnishings.


- Wicker dishes

- Floor furnishings


Main Subjects