Digital technology as a formative element in Richard Finkelstein's theatrical design "Analytical study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Fine Arts - Luxor University


Richard Finkelstein is a set designer, theatrical lighting and projection, He was born on May 17, 1952 in Chicago, USA, He has his own distinctive artistic style, through which he relies on the richness of formation, It mainly relies on multimedia technology to design digital images and videos related to stage scene design and digital projection; to achieve his design objectives-Richard Finkelstein has been in this field for more than 30 years, His works have also been performed in local Off-Broadway theaters and on television, In places and festivals around the world- He is a member of the American Society of Theater Technology, His works have achieved great success all over the world. His theatrical methods also varied between several styles. Perhaps the most notable is the style of exaggeration and structuralism through which he emphasized the content of the dramatic treatment of events, and the creation of artistic styles distinguished by modernity and renewal, And to achieve an attractive and enjoyable visual image for the recipient, Mr. Richard Finkelstein was distinguished by his constant development in the field of designing theatrical scenery and digital projections, and the constant endeavor to use technology in developing his artistic methods.

The study covered the features of the professional and practical personality of Mr. Richard Finkelstein Richard in terms of his upbringing and his most important research studies, and his career as a designer of traditional and virtual performance stages, The research also dealt with the study of the most important theatrical styles, which were characterized by diversity and dazzling, and reviewed some of these methods, it also examined the effect of using digital media technology as one of the complements to the formation of theatrical view, and the effect of light projections on it, the research also dealt with the study selected models of Richard Finkelstein's works, highlighting the role of digital technology as one of the elements in shaping the theatrical view in those works- Given the important role of this artist, the researcher considered it important to shed light on this comprehensive and diverse academic artist.


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