Shape and color energy in the design of printing dwarf clothing fabrics

Document Type : Original Article


Facuilty of Applied Art _Benha universty


Energy is defined as the ability to change and the way things move. They are hidden forces everywhere around us and have many forms. Everything that exists in the universe is energy, but in different forms. Man lives within this energy and cannot see or touch it, but it is affected by it at different levels, whether positive or negative. Each of the elements has its radiation energy, color. And all shapes possess energy, whether these shapes are regular or irregular, solid or non- and shapes, if they reach perfect geometry, their energy rises and increases. In addition to the energy of shape, this is in addition to the mutual effect between them, as the energy of shapes and colors interacts directly with the living organism and affects its body and nerve cells.

And since dwarfs are an important group in society, they may be exposed to psychological crises that have many reasons, negative comments, in addition to their lack of some rights, such as the availability of clothes that suit their needs and requirements. Therefore, two basic dimensions that complement each other must be taken into account when designing printed clothing fabrics for the dwarf’s category They are the physical dimension and are concerned with the nature of the design and how to treat it with the well-known plastic methods, Dwarfs are characterized by balance in shape, color, and energy, giving them positive feelings such as self-confidence, and the ability to lead their lives normally and integrate into society.


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