Puppet art between the philosophical and aesthetic content to Innovate contemporary artworks

Document Type : Original Article


, Decoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University.


Research introduction

Puppetry has been associated with human imagination since its civilizational history, as it is the product of the first human imagination, and it is the exciting engine that developed and fertilized this imagination and increased its horizons and perceptions. It was known by the ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Indians, Chinese, ancient Japanese and Greek civilization. Puppetry is at the forefront of the expressionist arts. Therefore, brides were prepared to play the roles created by the human imagination, including myths and fairy tales that are full of human civilizations in different parts of the world. For centuries, puppets have held the responsibility of making people happy, young and old. The history of puppet art has proven that these puppets made of wood or cardboard and dressed in brightly colored clothes have a greater impact on people's souls than human actors. As well as the presentation through which the concept of brides is presented in many different materials and styles.

Therefore, puppet art was chosen as a field of study and experimentation, as it is considered an element of creativity to produce contemporary works of art.

The importance of the research is due to the study of puppet arts in different time periods in many countries. And the extent of its impact on the level of the individual and the group. The artist is the professional individual who presents positive work that has an impact on the core of social life and is more indicative of the penetration of artistic activity within society. There is a dialectical relationship between the content and the image, and this relationship is considered one of the vital issues in art and in non-art as well. The content always seeks a goal and this goal is evident in the final form of the artwork. We also find that the relationship between the content and the image is a direct relationship, as the image is considered stability Therefore, we find that the change of the content, whether slow or strong, collides with the image and explodes it and creates new images that contain the new content


Main Subjects