The integration between the form and the content in designing glass jewelry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University

2 Faculty of Applied Arts - أHelwan University


The glass design field, especially the glass jewelry design field is not limited only on the designer’s ability in presenting a condition or an idea, but also in choosing the appropriate technical method and circumventing the material and adapting it to express what arouses curiosity and thinking, the integration idea here is involved around using glass with other materials in an unconventional way to achieve the compatibility between form and content in glass jewelry pieces, As the challenge here is not only in the philosophy of the idea but also in choosing and determining the best way to express it, and this is called the innovative design. The research here specializes in achieving the integration by using different glass jewelry elements with other materials to study the role and the impact of each one on the other in achieving that integration. As the glass jewelry industry has evolved since the appearance of the most ancient human civilization up to the twentieth century and beyond, as the scientifical and technological progress helped in the production of different types of it, in addition to the development of the technical forming methods of glass jewelry which is, in turn, reflected in the development of it’s construction and building systems. Whereas, with the technological development, the techniques and methods used in the field of designing glass ornaments increased,, which increased the richness and diversity in their aesthetic and functional characteristics in a harmonious composition that shows the relationship between both the form and the content of the piece, in a way that achieves complementarity in the design of glass ornaments.


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