Digital transformation and its impact on contemporary arts

Document Type : Original Article


Everyone has become aware of the importance of digital technology, especially after the knowledge revolution that the world witnessed, as digital technology entered all areas of life, Where digital technologies imposed themselves in the fields of plastic arts, The artist began to deal with her and her as a non-traditional plastic medium, The research will deal with the concept of digital transformation and digital arts, their methods and schools, with the presentation and analysis of selected works of art that relied on multiple digital technologies , From this standpoint, the problem of the study is based on answering the following questions: To what extent have contemporary arts been affected by digital technologies?, Has digital transformation helped enrich the aesthetics of contemporary artwork? Where the study aims to define the concept of digital transformation and its history, As well as introducing the concept of digital arts, methods and schools. The hypothesis of the study is that digital transformation techniques have contributed to the enrichment of contemporary arts. The importance of the study is based on shedding light on the role of digital transformation in contemporary arts, the undertaking of art students with modern approaches to dealing with artwork that keep pace with technological development, The limitations of the study are limited to studying the concept of digital art, and analyzing the works of some artists of digital art since the sixties of the last century, and the research follows the descriptive analytical approach.

First: Digitization

It means converting something into a digital format (zero), including resources and operations. For example, we convert paper documents, photographs, and other non-digital physical resources into analog to digital format, As for the digitization of the so-called processes, it is usually by converting them into an automatic model, With the aim of completing business faster, more accurately and more efficiently, such as entering and retrieving bank customer data (2017, Cleveland).


Main Subjects