The Revival of The Quitbay Agency and Its Transformation into a Heritage Hotel (While Considering the Quality of The Internal Environment in The Proposed Design.)

Document Type : Original Article


Decore Department- Interior Architecture branch- Faculty Of Fine Arts - Alexandria University


Qaytbay Agency in Al-Azhar is one of the most important historical agencies that was built in 882 AH 1477 AD. It was established by Sultan Al-Ashraf Qaytbay, ten years after he took over the rule of Egypt, facing Al-Azhar Mosque.

The existence of this agency is evidence of the wealth of Egypt during the reign of the Mamluk Sultan Qaytbay, who established it specifically as an endowment for the purpose of spending from its proceeds on buying ground grain and distributing it to the poor of Medina in the Hijaz.

This agency was neglected throughout the ages, and it was also subjected to restoration operations, but for not employing the monument in an interactive manner with the community - it deteriorated again structurally and architecturally, so the current design idea proposes to convert it into a heritage hotel in the Bab Al-Nasr area to sustain the exploitation of heritage, As this is one of the most important reasons for maintaining it continuously, In addition to providing many job opportunities and providing an important tourist starting point from which tourists go to Egypt's Islamic archaeological landmarks located in the Mamluk Cairo region, which is scheduled to be linked to the rest of historical parts of Egypt, so that this will be done Linking the episodes of Islamic history in Old Cairo through the ages, and thus the proposed hotel is the most appropriate in terms of its distinguished location to be a starting point for the beginning of those tourist tours.


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