Saving Energy through Technological Development of Residential Buildings

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Girls, Al-Azhar University


The technology has affected on residential buildings through the great progress made in the scientific and technological progress. which necessitated considering the reconsideration of architectural design using the energy of the guide whether smart systems or solar energy or both. These changes coincided with the increase in applications of technology in the field of architecture, and work on the provision of energy, which is considered as one of the most important issues affecting the consumer and the quality of the energy system and the global environment. knowing that residential buildings consume high energy with domestic appliances from air conditioning and lighting, making it one of the most vital areas for the impact of energy consumption.
research importance:
Defining and educating the community about the importance of technology, which is becoming less expensive in the long term, and finding solutions for consumption and waste of energy from the systems of air conditioning, lighting and electrical appliances that do not need them at the time of non-occupancy in the house and the consequent increase in costs. The application of these solutions will not change people's lifestyles, but will bring them into a new era of energy, economic growth and technological development.
research goals:
a. Highlight the importance of technology and developments in building systems because of their benefits and energy consumption.
B. Create an internal environment that works on the user's comfort and supports the energy consumption consumed by it.
C. Applying the concepts of smart systems and solar cells by increasing the desire of users to turn to modern technology, building new housing based on technology and the development of existing housing.
Dr. Acquiring energy and providing the consumer with housing.


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