Invention of Textile Designs by using of (WAPAP Art) style

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Textile Department- Faculty of Applied Arts- Beni Sueif University


WAPAP Art is an art which redraw faces and shapes with new way, and more active with easy way to know it.
WAPAP Art depends on classification the face or any other shape with modern and new ways.
Divided the shape into small pieces, colored every piece with different color, and classification the pieces to dark colors and bright color.
Use the strait line to make the sides of each piece, which give the shape stronger look than the weave line.
WAPAP Art use acute colors, ignore the degradation way of colors we know, to appear the power of uses colors, and give 3D shapes.
In this paper we use the idea of WAPAP Art which depends on strait lines and polygon shapes to make some Textile Designs, which can Applied in Weaving Machine as a Textile Fabrics.
And Make some groups of Colors, Use ordinary weave Construction to implementation one of these designs.
The production of the fabric in the production and delivery to the public of consumers is in the field of production with a high degree of precision and care of what should be the quality of performance and appearance to suit their uses. (1)
Furnishing fabrics are an essential element of the interior architecture that is produced to complement its functional and aesthetic purposes.
The fabrics are used in various home furnishings, hotels and tourist villages, making the need for them continuous and can not be dispensed with. This has led to the emergence of different forms, which are manufactured in innovative creative ways. Textile fabrics can therefore be considered textiles that no house can dispense with. Of the essential materials for its incorporation.


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