The impact of the Design Experimental Testing Process in improving Product Life-cycle

Document Type : Original Article


1 Industrial Design Department / Faculty of Applied Arts / Benha University / Benha - Qaliubiya

2 Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University


The Design Experimental Testing process is a crucial step in the product development lifecycle, as it allows designers to identify and correct any issues before mass production. This ultimately leads to a higher quality and more reliable product, which can have a significant impact on the entire product lifecycle cost. By conducting experiments during the design process, engineers can gain valuable insights into how a product will perform in real-world situations. They can then use this information to make necessary adjustments and improvements to the design, leading to more efficient manufacturing and reduced waste. In addition, the use of models and tools to aid designers in their decision-making can further enhance the impact of experimentation, ensuring that the right decisions are made within the appropriate business context. Moreover, the application of Design Experimental Testing can mitigate product recall risks and boost consumer contentment by delivering a high-quality product that meets or surpasses their expectations. This research aims to explore how incorporating Design Experimental Testing into the entire product lifecycle, including ethical, economic, and environmental factors can enhance its benefits. By integrating this approach in developing products, corporations could manufacture items with lesser ecological impacts while amplifying their financial value – resulting in more sustainable business practices for both society and the companies involved. In conclusion, embracing the Design Experimental Testing process is an essential element of producing top-tier products throughout their lifecycle enhancement. It improves the quality and reliability of products, reduces waste, boosts consumer satisfaction, mitigates recall risks and enables more sustainable business practices.


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