Merging Sashiko Technique and Ancient Egyptian Civilization Arts Using Digital Technology as an Innovative Fashion Design Source

Document Type : Original Article


1 Teaching assistant at Apparel Department – Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University


3 Professor of Apparel Production Technology, Apparel Department Faculty of Applied Arts – Helwan University


Sashiko is a Japanese technique of functional and decorative embroidery that started from a practical and functional need during the Edo era (1615-1868) and was used to reinforce or repair worn out places in clothes. Pieces of worn-out clothing were stitched together to make new ones using simple running stitches, eventually making the piece stronger and more durable. White cotton thread was often used on the traditional blue indigo cloth with its distinctive appearance, and sometimes red thread was also used. The color of the thread is limited to white or the traditional indigo color or even the basic stereotypes. The Sashiko patterns is divided into Moyōzashi (pattern sashiko) and Hitomezashi (one stitch sashiko) patterns. But now it is not limited to white thread or the traditional indigo color or even the basic patterns. The sashiko technique is considered an addition of high artistic and aesthetic value to the decoration of the surfaces of fabrics.

The term “Ancient Egypt” as a historical term refers to the civilization of the Nile Valley, from about 3300 BC until the invasion of Alexander the Great in 332 BC. Ancient Egyptian art was able to contribute significantly to the advancement of Ancient Egyptian civilization to this status significantly For more than three thousand years, this civilization was characterized by many features of loftiness and greatness, as the magnificent of their art work and the beauty of coordination, which is evident through lines, surfaces and harmonious relationships, which created harmony between them that reached the point of creativity in expressing this civilization, that had an impact on preserving the Egyptian Art form with its well-known features.

Believing in the role of the fashion designer in knowing the historical handicrafts and contributing to increase social awareness of their aesthetics, artistic and functional value, and the greatness of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization and its arts, this study will present merging between Sashiko technique and various technologies in view of the Ancient Egyptian Civilization Arts “Nefertiti's Bust”, to enrich the field of fashion design and form a wearable art that represents personal identity. Using a lot of methods and techniques on the fabrics, as well as using different materials in its diversity according to achieving the design function in new and innovative ways to produce designs that suits with fashion trends.


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