Symbolic Employment of Contemporary Ceramic Work structure between shape and content

Document Type : Original Article


Art education ,,Helwan university


Symbolic Employment of Contemporary Ceramic Work structure between shape and content

Art work has sought with the advent of the 20th century to avoid visual reality and move closer to aesthetic and plastic values to up grade the worth of work content and invest figural appearances to meet such objective in light of the above numerous ceramic works with symbolic and thinking significances appeared, adopted by ceramists to embody the creation content.

Accordingly, the research problem is summarized in the following question: To what extent has the relationship between the shape and content in the ceramic work, been successful, with the framework the plastic structure in symbolic employment?

Research hypotheses: the present study assumes the there is a positive relationship between the symbolic employment of ceramic work structure, and the expression of its content.

The researcher used the analytical descriptive methodology examine two dimensions:

First: It examines the concept of symbolism, development of its significance in plastic art through the review of opinions on symbolic figure and content, tracking symbolism as a modern movement that has impacted ceramics as an art.

Second: This examines the symbolic role in the contemporary ceramic work structure through defining the concept of symbolism, its role uniting shape and content in ceramics, role played by elements and under pinnings to perfect the ceramic work. An analytical view is presented to unveil the artistic techniques used by a ceramist to embody the art work content through the employment of plastic work structures.

Ceramic works are classified in the following order:

1. Works that have depended mainly on the symbolic employment of the material.

2. Works that have depended mainly on the symbolic employment of formation and plastic techniques.

3. Works that have depended mainly on the symbolic employment of structure.


Simple - Contemporary ceramic work structure – Shape - content


Main Subjects