Semiotic analysis (Iconography) for visual texts in photojournalism

Document Type : Original Article


1 باحثة الدكتوراه بقسم الفوتوغرافيا والسينما والتليفزيون بكلية الفنون التطبيقية ـ جامعة حلوان

2 Applied Arts Helwan Unversity

3 Faculty of mass communication , Department of Radio and Television Cairo University


Semiotic analysis (Iconography) for visual texts in photojournalism

What is the science of semiotics:

The word semiology or semiotics is the science of meaning, that is, the science that studies the meanings generated by texts, and therefore it is one of the sciences of language. Therefore, semiology is called the science of signs, as it is the science that investigates the relationships generated by signs, as the signs may be a word, tone, shape, color, symbol, signal, movement or gesture issued by a human being, animal or machine... The dances and movements of birds are signs... The red, yellow and green lights of traffic lights are signs . Gesture, signal, color, symbol, costume or icon. In 1938, the American (Charles Morris) wrote a book he called (Foundations of the Theory of Signs) with his studies in semiotics.

Divisions of semiotics or semantics:

There are several divisions of semantics. The following is the semantic division from the historical point of view:

1- Historical semantics

2- Descriptive semantics

Semiotics at the French School (Dusausseur):

The French semiotic school of semiotics relies on its pioneer and founder of this science in its modern form, where he suggested naming it semiology, where he said: We can imagine a new science that studies the life of signs within social life, a science that may form a branch of social psychology, and therefore a branch of general psychology, and we will call this science semiology.

Analysis of the visual message (myth):

The image according to Roland Barth is structurally independent, and it is composed of selected elements, according to professional, aesthetic, and ideological demands. The photographic image is a semi logical format that includes three components: a signifier and the relationship that brings them together within the visual text, and that is the photographic sign. The visual text is an icon that carries meanings with levels and connotations.

By adopting a general analytical network model to understand and analyze the photographic visual text, it is not enough to understand its vocabulary, but there are several levels:

- the level of preliminary or descriptive semiological analysis

- the level of formative analysis

- the level of typical analysis

- the level of iconographic analysis


Main Subjects