Inclusion of Digital Interactive Technologies in Tax Stamp Components to Enhance the Security Levels of Local Products

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of applied arts

2 Printing, Publishing and Packaging Dept.,- Faculty of Applied Arts- Helwan University- Cairo - Egypt


Technology has made remarkable progress with time and touched new horizons in the twenty-first century, and this technology has proven to be of benefit to every individual in society, and although it has achieved many advantages with the latest scientific inventions, it has at the same time also had a clear negative impact on the Society, for example, with the availability of digital scanning devices, digital processing programs, computers, and digital printers, however, these technologies can be used in counterfeiting and counterfeiting of valuable publications and documents such as banknotes, checks, passports, securities certificates, cards, and stamps, which requires securing them to a very high degree by Various insurance means.

Interactivity is a compound of two words in its Latin origin, and it means an exercise between two, i.e. exchange and interaction between two people. From here we understand that the meaning of interactive lies in exchange and interaction. What is known by digital technologies, which was done thanks to informatics, and refers to going beyond the basic function in order to ensure the involvement of the recipient with the product through modern technology, smart materials and design, and the QR Code is the most widespread interactive means and the easiest to deal with; As it can include fixed or variable data, and the QR code can be encoded by any code generator program, which is available for free on the Internet, and this is done simply by the user entering the data to be encoded, and then the generator produces the code so that it appears on the screen electronically or is It is printed, and information such as website addresses, short messages and contact information, even plain texts, is stored in it with ease in both horizontal and vertical directions. After that, that code is decoded by the camera of any mobile phone that has a special reader for that code, and it is available and free of charge on the Internet pages in order to be It is installed on mobile phones that do not have it, and as soon as the program is run and the mobile phone camera lens is directed, the code is scanned or read, and it can be read from any direction

Tax stamps "as one of the most important insured publications" constitute an important part of the Egyptian national income, as they are attached to many local tax products.


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