Mechanisms of preserving the architectural heritage in Morocco during the colonial period: Outcome and evaluation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor at the University of Ibn ZOHR in Agadir - Faculty of Lettre and human science - Morocco

2 History Département, faculty of Lettres and humain science Ibn Zohr University Agadir



In the context of reviews and developments in self-awareness and national identity, architectural heritage appears as a carrier of cultural dimensions that reflect the level of awareness of peoples and governments themselves and their desire to achieve citizenship and pride in it. Like other countries that were colonized during the past century, Morocco began this wave of rethinking about a part of its heritage that carries the memory of a period of its colonial history during the past century. It should be dealt with objectively and positively. This period established an approach to our architectural heritage and its preservation, albeit from a selective and self-serving Western perspective. It is now time to reconsider that policy in light of the developments of research, its results, and archaeological excavations and discoveries. This architectural heritage, which is the subject of this article, consists of cities and historical sites, such as the cities of Fez, Rabat, Meknes, and other Moroccan historical cities, with their colonial-era urban plans and management policies. They also implemented wide-ranging conservation and restoration operations according to recognized schools of conservation and restoration, and with full respect for local expertise and the traditional style of buildings."

The debate over it remains divided between supporters and opponents, between those who make it an institution for the preservation of Moroccan heritage and others who see it as a reason for the siege of this heritage and a hindrance to its historical development. And between them, a third party makes Morocco a fortunate country with a series of early colonial measures and procedures, legislation and laws, institutions and administrative circles, and restoration and revitalization projects for historical landmarks and monuments, which relatively reduced the impact of technological modernization on local heritage. In doing so, they make comparisons between the urban policy of French protection in Morocco, with its conservative character, and its counterparts in third world countries that were subject to the colonial movement and in which destructive policies were followed that were not concerned with the heritage of local communities. Although the mechanisms for preserving architectural heritage that were applied in Morocco during the colonial period

According to circumstances other than those we live in, and from this perspective, we are required to put them in a productive intellectual framework, and dive into the dimensions and purposes that governed their creation.

Keywords: architectural heritage, colonial policy, Morocco, preservation.


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