A study of the aesthetic values and interior design elements of Ras El-Tin Palace in Alexandria

Document Type : Original Article


1 the higher institute of applied arts -6 October department: interior architecture& decoration

2 - Professor of Environmental Design in Interior and Furniture Design -Head of the decoration department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Al-Nahda University -Former Head of Decoration& Interior Architecture at The Higher Institute of Applied Arts -6th Of O

3 Prof. of Design at Interior Design & Furniture Department -Faculty of Applied Arts Helwan University - Chairman of the Arts and Music Education Sector Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities - Ministry of Higher Education - Former Dean o


Architecture and interior design are the record that expresses the culture and identity of the nation, an essential component of its character, and a reflection of the progress and prosperity of nations. The period of Alawyan -Mohamed Aly's family- era which ruled over a century or more created for us a group of buildings and facilities, the most important of which are the royal palaces in different, unique architectural styles that reflect an important historical era for Egypt that formed the visual and structural identity of Egypt from the beginning of the nineteenth century until the first half of the twentieth century.

Hence, “Ras al-Tin Palace” was chosen for this study, as it is considered one of the historical monuments in Alexandria, and its historical importance is due to the fact that it is the palace that lived with all the rulers of the Alawyan dynasty and the witnessed the beginning of the rule of the “Muhammad Ali Pasha” family in Egypt, as witnessed On the end of the rule of the Alawyan family in Egypt and the transition from monarchy to republican rule, with the departure of the last king of Egypt, King Farouk I, and his family after the revolution of July 23, 1952 AD, on board a ship heading to Italy. He did not return to Egypt until after his death to be buried in the cemetery of the royal family in Al-Rifai.

In this research, we will learn about Ras al-Tin Palace through three stages:

1- A historical overview of the palace and its development since it was built until now,, an overview of the events that took place since Muhammad Ali Pasha took the decision to build the palace in terms of the location of the palace’s construction, the stages of its construction and development at the hands of the rulers of the Alawyan dynasty, followed by a brief description of the palace and its most prominent features and the registration of “Ras al-Tin Palace” as an antiquity.

2- The aesthetic values of Ras al-Tin Palace, which is a list of the values of Ras al-Tin Palace, the historical value of Ras al-Tin Palace, the symbolic value, the temporal value, the aesthetic value, the social value, and the functional value.

3- A descriptive and analytical study of Ras al-Tin Palace, An analysis of a few of the the interior design of the palace halls.


Main Subjects