Applying the Fibonacci sequence as a time unit for a movie

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Applied Arts - 6th of October University - 6th of October City - Giza


The Fibonacci sequence, often referred to as the "Nature's Secret Code," is a fundamental concept in mathematics and is heavily relied upon in various mathematical applications. It is a mathematical sequence of ascending numbers based on a simple advanced standard. The discovery of the Fibonacci sequence is attributed to the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as "Fibonacci."

Many scientists believe that the Fibonacci sequence governs the mathematical dimensions found in much of nature. It is represented in various ways and serves as a reflection of some natural patterns that occur organically in nature, including plant growth and branching, human anatomy, snail shells, and many other examples in the natural world. Humans have also used the Fibonacci sequence in various fields, including art, architecture, and multiple visual arts.The arts that apply the Fibonacci sequence are known for their perfection in design and their enduring success over time. Examples of this can be seen in famous works such as the Great Pyramid, the Mona Lisa, Abbadia San Salvatore in Italy, and the Taj Mahal in India.The Fibonacci sequence has even been incorporated into cinematography, often used as a compositional tool (e.g., the golden ratio), by both local and international filmmakers. It has become one of the most important principles in the formation of cinematic images, taught in film academies, and contributing to the aesthetics and content of film compositions.

Therefore, it is crucial to explore the potential of applying the Fibonacci sequence as a time unit in film. This research aims to study the possibility of using the Fibonacci sequence as a time unit in cinema to create a cinematic work with the same standards and principles of beauty applied in architecture and various arts, but with an innovative narrative style.

The research problem lies in the extent to which the Fibonacci sequence can be applied as a time unit in cinematography. The researcher anticipates that the use of the Fibonacci sequence as a time unit in cinematography will provide a new and non-traditional approach to cinematic storytelling, as well as an impact on creating a balanced temporal rhythm for shots and, subsequently, the entire film, offering temporal developments in the narrative.


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