The role of context and presentation in understanding and interpreting a photograph

Document Type : Original Article


1 October 6 University

2 6oct


We live in the era of visual information, despite the realization of the need to scrutinize information, they do not pay the same attention to photographs except when talking about manipulation, but the incomprehensible context stands equally in changing the image meaning

The research explores the role of context in interpreting photographs. Through a critical review. And he concludes that ,images accompanied by text do not fully explain photographs. Pictures must be considered as independent images that can be interpreted according to different contexts, rather than focusing on their informational nature.

Research Problem: In the age of social media, we are witnessing a huge influx of visual information. The photo wasn’t published in one place, despite the difficulty of drawing specific conclusions about major historical events, or specific people, based on a single photo. However, there is an agreement to use individual images accompanied by text to frame an event or to illustrate a story, which leads to incomplete understanding &misinterpretation by viewers. According to this, it’s important to reconsider the role that context plays in the interpreting images, which is what we study in this research.

Research objectives and hypotheses:

• Explore how context and presentation of images influence the way we understand current cultural issues and concepts.

• Discover how artists have recontextualized to resist known historical narratives

• Research types of context and the ways in which it changes meaning.

Research questions:

What is meant by image context?

How can the images be in other ways?

Research methodology: An analysis study


Main Subjects